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WOW, just WOW! Before we give you the bullet point information on this item we'd just like to express what a privilege it is to have this unbelievably rare item in our hands!

Back in the early 1990's, the UK official WWF/WWE wrestling VHS video cassette tape distributor 'Silver Vision' were the talk of the town amongst many a child on a school playground (and no doubt adult!). For kids like ourselves that were wrestling fans, waiting for the next Silver Vision mailed flyer advertisement through the letterbox was of major importance! Never mind homework, studying which WWF tapes we needed to add to our collection was paramount!

During this spell of the early 90's, Silver Vision were renowned for giving away awesome freebies with certain WWF video tapes and around late 1991 Silver Vision gave away a bagged WWF Hasbro Series 1 Hulk Hogan figure with the order of 'Saturday Nights Main Event' on cassette.

This deal was brokered between Hasbro and Silver Vision to promote the fact that Hasbro had a line of wrestling figures for people to collect and also as an incentive for customers to buy certain video cassettes from Silver Vision that were maybe less popular than other tapes.

In January 1993, a newsletter was mailed out to all subscribers advertising that a Hulk Hogan Series 2 WWF Hasbro action figure would be sent to any customer that ordered a special video release. The deadline to order was 31st January 1993, so there was a very limited timeframe for customers to get their orders in!

Come February of 1993, the parcels were distributed to customers and we were all excited to receive our video cassettes, action figure - and of course to open and play with said figure (DOH!).

This is where this story gets interesting as there was always a rumour of doubt in modern times that Silver Vision ever gave away a second Hulk Hogan 'mailaway' and as we still have the original newsletter in our possession, we can confirm this is true - a second Hulk Hogan bagged mailaway did exist!

It is said that Hasbro gifted Silver Vision 5,000 of these bagged figures and of course most figures were opened, played with and chewed up by our pets!

However, what we have here is astonishing and we have taken the time to detail everything here for you:

  • Silver Vision UK exclusive bagged and unopened series 2 WWF Hasbro Hulk Hogan action figure
  • Comes in hard shell protector box
  • Miniature copy of the original Silver Vision flyer printed and included within protector window
  • Figure has been kept in a dry, smoke free environment and away from any UV sun ray damage so the paint of the figure is as vibrant and bright as the day it was received
  • Item will be securely bubblewrapped and boxed
  • Shipping & handling will be added to final auction price

In a recent interview, former Silver Vision employee James Gallagher stated:

"The Silver Vision Hulk Hogan is slightly different to the one that was mass produced. The Hogan that we had, the two Hogans really that were different is that the colouring on the yellow is different - it's more neon. It's almost like it was like a first run, factory run, like practice run. And the yellow's not quite right so they just gave them to us. And now the irony is that the ones that they thought were the faulty ones, like too yellow - they're the ones that are worth like thousands. You know, everyone's got that original Hogan, it's very, very rare that people have that neon yellow. You know, I put something on Twitter about it, and people were just wild to know about who's got it, like how can I get it, where is it. I couldn't believe it, I wish I knew back then that this was such a big deal - I could've made a pretty penny".

Thank-you for stopping by and having a read and of course if bidding please read the terms and conditions on our main auction page. And most importantly, good luck!

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